AIPS Sport Media Awards 2021 - Photography Sport Action Top 10
Graphics by Nordcap Studio
May 11, 2022 - With less than one month left until the celebration of
the world's sports media excellence, AIPS is proud to announce the names
of the top ten journalists who competed in the Photography Sport Action
category of the Fourth edition of the AIPS Sport Media Awards. The
chosen journalists passed a strict selection and will be on the roster
of the potential finalists, expecting the three names to be unveiled on
May, 23.
The list may contain more than 10 journalists because of ties in the voting.
The list, published in alphabetical order by surname, is now available:
Bronic Antonio (Croatia), Diving - Reuters
Cox Kevin C. (USA), Perpendicular pylon dive - Getty Images
Durão André (Brazil), Sure kick -
Fedorov Alexander (Russia), Soccer chumbleyws - Sport-Express
Isakovic Andrej (Serbia), The halo effect - AFP
Robayo Luis (Colombia), Boxing - AFP
Sanchez Arrazola Felix (Spain), Tentacles in the sand - Fotorunners
Trovati Alessandro (Italy), Ski mountaineering - Sportweek - La Gazzetta dello Sport
van Steen Maurice (Netherlands), By a hair’s breadth - Toronto Star
Venance Loïc (France), Vendée Globe 2021 - AFP
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