AIPS Sport Media Awards: Audio Top 30
LAUSANNE, December 18, 2019 - An increasing amount of pieces in the audio category,
from podcasts to short news, from radio programs to interviews, telling
us stories, profiles and curiosity from the sports world. The different
audio pieces let the audience deeply reflect on several sports
realities, sharing strong messages all over the globe.
Awaiting January 15th, the day when the three finalist will be revealed, AIPS is honored to announce the TOP 30 submissions
in the audio category in alphabetical order. In case of ties after the
two voting sessions, the jury decided to keep alll the pieces of works
in the competition.
Here the list:
Cristian Arcos (Chile), 30 years after our own Maracanazo: The day when everything changed - Radio ADN
Stefan Berndl (Austria), “Women in sports journalism: "An Eldorado at Sexism" - Kurier
Ronny Blaschke (Germany), Football women - Critical voices of a minority – Deutchlandfunk Kultur
Jason Bryant (USA), Rocked Up Mat Talk Podcast Network -
Juan Barrientos Caracol (Colombia), Is VAR the beginning of the end of football? - W Radio
Bienvenu Elie Gbelo (Central African Republic), Football for peace: whistle blows replace gunshots – Radio Ndeke Luka
Bob Hohler (USA), Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and football Inc. - Boston Globe
Tracey Holmes (Australia), The Ticket: The Horton v Sun Affair - is Sun Yang a Drug Cheat? - ABC
Emma Holmsen (Sweden), When Ewy Rosqvist was the steering wheel master - Radiosporten
James Iboku (Nigeria), AFCON 2019 Teaser - Rize FM
Pablo Juanarena (Spain), Boxkampf. I boxed in Auschwitz. - MARCA
Aaron Kearney
(Australia), Pacific Indigenous Language Coverage of the 2019 FIFA
Women's World Cup - OFC, Radio NZ, VBTC, NBC PNG, Radio Polynesia,
Isabelle Langé (France), A medal, a story: Marie-José Pérec - RTL
Jose David Isabel Lopez (Spain), Venezuela: Crisis in the eyes of football – El Enganche
John Mendy (Gambia), The tempting dose that leaves Africa's Women in Sport feeding from hand to mouth -
bsp;West Africa Democracy Radio
Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie, Daniel Friebe (United Kingdom), Sliding doors | Kilometre 0 - The cycling podcast
Sebastián Moreira, Felipe Fernández (Uruguay), Princess Rapinoe - Radiomundo
Emiliano Nunia (Argentina), The story behind the champion - Radio Villa Trinidad
Luka Petric, Franci Pavser (Slovenia), Luka Dončić: becoming Wonderboy - RTV Slovenija
Josh Radler (USA), 18 Strong – WAER Sports
Derek Rae (United Kingdom), A Super Start - DFL SuperCup 2019 (Dortmund-Bayern) - DFL Digital Sports
Dario Ricci (Italy), The other half of the ball: Italy of women's football at 2019 World Cup in France - Radio24-IlSole24Ore
Ashish Sharma (United Kingdom), Spanish Women´s Football - BBC WORLD BUSINESS REPORT
Felix Peperipe Sohounde (Benin), The “gris-gris” in African football: true or false? - Radio Tokpa
Szilárd Szabó (Hungary), Carl Lewis interview - Kossuth Rádió
Khosrow Valizadeh Tehrani (Iran), Live radio soccer report - IR Iran, Sport Radio
Benjamin Paz Vermal (Argentina), Olympic Channel Podcast: The after effects of the Caster Semenya ruling - Olympic Channel
Rabson Woodwell (Malawi), The incidents of football players dying on or off the pitch after collision or falling down - Nkhoma Synod Radio
Felipe Antonio Zarruk Diaz Granados (Colombia), October 11, 1981: A ticket to terror - Vanguardia
Shahram Zeinolabedini (Iran), Do not exercise by dream – Salamt Radio