AIPS Sport Media Awards: Audio Top 10
AIPS Media
LAUSANNE, January 7, 2019 - With less than one month left to the
celebration of world's sport media excellence, AIPS is proud to announce
the names of the top ten journalists who competed in the Audio category
of the AIPS Sport Media Awards. The chosen journalists passed a strict
selection and will be the roster of the potential finalists, expecting
the three names will be unveiled on January, 15.
The list, published in alphabetical order by surname, is now available:
Cristian Arcos (Chile), 30 years after our own Maracanazo: The day when everything changed - Radio ADN
Ronny Blaschke (Germany), Football women - Critical voices of a minority – Deutchlandfunk Kultur
Bob Hohler (USA), Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and football Inc. - Boston Globe
Tracey Holmes (Australia), The Ticket: The Horton v Sun Affair - is Sun Yang a Drug Cheat? - ABC
Emma Holmsen (Sweden), When Ewy Rosqvist was the steering wheel master - Radiosporten
Pablo Juanarena (Spain), Boxkampf. I boxed in Auschwitz. - MARCA
Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie, Daniel Friebe (United Kingdom), Sliding doors | Kilometre 0 - The cycling podcast
Emiliano Nunia (Argentina), The story behind the champion - Radio Villa Trinidad
Luka Petric, Franci Pavser (Slovenia), Luka Dončić: becoming Wonderboy - RTV Slovenija
Felipe Antonio Zarruk Diaz Granados (Colombia), October 11, 1981: A ticket to terror - Vanguardia Liberal