Longlist announcement for Video Documentary 2023
LAUSANNE, March 15, 2024 - The AIPS Sport Media Awards are pleased to announce the longlist for the Video Documentary category.
The longlist represents the first judging stage and is based on the average ratings of the AIPS panel of specialists, the Executive Committee members and the members of the Jury.
Participants with two submissions in the longlist can find both listed side by side. Here are the selected works, in alphabetical order of country:
Disclaimer: All names and information have been published as we have received them, for any corrections please contact us at info@aipsmedia.com or send us a direct message on social media @aipsmedia.
Omar & Zoheir Boudi (Algeria), A birth in pain (Women's football 1-0 Terrorism) | The martyrs of Algerian sport - Echorouk TV Algeria
Adel Yacef (Algeria), Mirror reflecting teams and national teams - Chaine - Jeel Dz
Mariano Amiune (Argentina), Ornella: knocking down social prejudices pursuing her Olympic dream | Playing Fields - Olympic Channel
David Mark, Hannah Meagher and Tom Hancock (Australia), "Life sentence of trauma": The investigation into serial paedophile, Stephen Mitchell. - ABC
Karoline Rath-zobernig (Austria), Harnessing the power of the menstrual cycle - ORF
Noel Coser (Brazil), Pelé: Through the Eyes of a Child - Globo TV
Luis Gustavo Machado (Brazil), Brazilian soccer scouts | Catharsis - Globo TV
Alison Mayer (Brazil), The incredible Galicia street soccer cup - Globo TV
Stanimira Atanasova (Bulgaria), The other champions: "A letter to you" - bTV Media Group
Tsvetanka Gagarova - Georgieva (Bulgaria), Champions X 2 - Nova TV
Phyllis Ellis (Canada), Category: Woman - Proximity Films
Miguel Vergara (Chile), Gol a la memoria. Historia, Pasión y muerte en el Estadio Nacional - 32 Cascos Content Lab
Jieni Cheng (China), As the curtain rise - ChinaMediaGroup
Qian Sun (China), Why Chinese women outshine men in football - Deutsche Welle
Nicklas Vinde (Denmark), Dare to Rise in the EHF Champions League - EHF
Manuel Diaz (Dominican Republic), The Case of Fraidel Liriano - VTV channel 32
Jürgen Schmidt (Germany), Das teuflische Wunder vom Betzenberg - der 1. FC Kaiserslautern wird als Aufsteiger Deutscher Fußbal - ARD-Mediathek
Márta Bényei (Hungary), A Nemzet Aranyai (Golden Legends) - National Film Institute
Andras Daniel Keri (Hungary), A Calcio Titkai /Secrets of Calcio - Sport TV Hungary
Annesha Ghosh (India), The Women's Cricket Revolution - The Financial Times
Vandna Vijay (India), The game-changers of Indian lawn bowls - BBC INDIA
Moses Wakhisi (Kenya), Doping Demons in Kenya - Standard Media Group- KTN NEWS
Julia Sartorio (New Zealand), Justin's Legacy - TVNZ
Krzysztof Smajek (Poland), "Sędzia wróg" [The Ref's the Enemy] - Sport.pl / Gazeta.pl
Ricardo Amorim (Portugal), "Coração que vê" (Heart that sees) - Porto Canal
Diogo Oliveira (Portugal), “A gentle drop in the ocean” (uma leve gota no mar) | Football’s cradle (O Berço das Quatro Linhas) - Sport TV Portugal
Vladimir Pajić (Serbia), How did we fall in love with streetball? - Videostroj
Pablo Tejeda Rodilla (Spain), Power: El Origen - PlaytheUNIT (Unedisa Telecomunicaciones)
Diego Zarzosa (Spain), Marca Personal TUDN - Televisa Univision
Daniel Grefve (Sweden), LIV eller Död? - SVT (Swedish Television)
Volodymyr Mula / Alex Gale (Ukraine / UK), Football Must Go On - TeleProstir Studio
Serhii Zakharchenko (Ukraine), We are the defensive line. Ukrainian players of American football at the war - JSC "Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine"
Rob Harris (UK), Power Game: The Story Of Qatar 2022 - Sky News
Edward Knowles (UK), HEAVY METAL: Women's Weightlifting in a Palestinian Refugee Camp - Tribeca Film Festival
Louis Myles (UK), Mighty Penguins - Meadow Lark
Cory Mull (USA), San Elizario XC: Una Forma De Vida - FloSports
Amged Al-arhabi (Yemen), Touch line - The suffering of a Yemeni player - YouTube