AIPS Sport Media Awards 2021 - Audio Top 10

  • May 14, 2022

Graphics by Nordcap Studio

LAUSANNE, May 14, 2022 - With less than one month left until the celebration of world's sport media excellence, AIPS is proud to announce the names of the top ten journalists who competed in the Audio category of the Fourth edition of the AIPS Sport Media Awards. The chosen journalists passed a strict selection and will be on the roster of the potential finalists, expecting the three names to be unveiled on May, 23.

The list may contain more than 10 journalists because of ties in the voting.

The list, published in alphabetical order by surname, is now available:

Ahmad Athar, Johnston Carl, Tucker Mick (UK), File on 4: Tackling online abuse in football -

Blaschke Ronny (Germany), A contested field (Football in war zones) -

Holmes Tracey (Australia), The ticket: Afghanistan rescue mission, Australia steps up -

Isabel López José David (Spain), Cerro de Pasco: The highest stadium in the world - Audible - Amazon prime

Juanarena Pablo (Spain), A mother called Melina, a daughter called Irene, and a basketball player called Pau Gasol - / Radio Marca

Lundholm Alexander (Sweden), Jenny Fransson: Life as a doping convict -

Mark Horgan (Ireland), Where is George Gibney? Ep10: Sea swimming -

Murley Jack (UK), The BBC's LGBT sport podcast: The one on the history of the Gay Games -

Nunia Emiliano (Argentina), Valentí Guardiola: The builder dad who never imagined to have a son like Pep - Radio Villa Trinidad  

Ricci Dario (Italy), From London to the Hauraki Gulf: Romano vs Joe, the endless rivalry - Radio24-IlSole24Ore


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